Entries Posted for the Colorado Breed Bash


Please enter under your specific breed link. If you have more than one breed, you must enter through each link.


IMPORTANT: You MUST be a member of the Colorado Junior Breed Association for Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn & Simmental if you are exhibiting any of those breeds.
If you have another registered animal ( Ex. Charolais) which does not have a Colorado Jr. Association, you MUST be a member of the National Junior Association for that breed and a Colorado resident.


All animals MUST be registered in exhibitors name. We are adhering to each breeds National Junior Show Rules & Classes.


This is a preview show with contests to help juniors prepare for their respective junior nationals.
Simmental : https://forms.gle/gbotNkMnTAvoqw1w7
AOB: https://forms.gle/RFNTwX3PhsLVXcaG7
Hereford: https://forms.gle/1rAyQUsYxiSHDYfe8
Angus: https://forms.gle/mf1NvmT2dhfyEya47
Shorthorn: https://forms.gle/JWgXc4bVGa5pSTbeA


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