Final Drive in Phoenix | Arizona National

The crew with Tristan Hilmes is busy getting his reserve balck cross steer ready for the grand drive.

Maggie Roche keeps her pig calm during the grand drive.

Zack Eagle buils a back leg on Mikala Grady’s champion overall steer.

Talon Alexander gets a steer ready for the grand drive.

Bobby Maddox and Brandon Horn congratulate each other on an awesome day.

Brittany Creamer pulls a front leg.

Chastin Leggett has an emotional moment after a great day at the goat show.

Mark Hoge evaluates the champion hog drive.

Brandon Horn, Kirby Eaves, Jagger Horn and Wesley Wieneck getting Jagger’s reserve overall champion steer ready for the grand drive. Thanks for trusting Sullivan’s line on products on your champion.

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