Feelin’ Royal in Kansas City

Jeremy Clark using his new favorite Sullivan Supply product, Flare.

Junior Champion Showman Kenidey Effling competes for the title of Overall Champion Showman.

Wesley Denton clips on his heifer for the junior show tomorrow.

Judge Dustin Frank selects Spencer Goettemoeller’s calf as division champion.

Thank you Griswold Cattle Company for trusting in Sullivan Supply products!

Madison Loschke shares a special moment with her heifer after they worked as a team to win Champion Overall Heifer Showman!

Jacob Moore uses Sullivan’s Ultra White Touch-Up to put the smoke on this belly.

Sydney Zehnder shows her Red Angus calf to a class and division win in the Junior AOB/Commercial Heifer Show.

It’s all hands on deck at the majors.

Showmanship Judge Kyndal Reitzenstein selects Chancee Clark as Reserve Champion Overall Showman.

Spencer Miller knocks off a few more hairs before the bull show Sunday.

Ellistin Morey shows her AOB/Commercial calf in class.


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