Judge Andy Rash slaps Cody Maxwell's Champion Crossbred as Grand Champion Market Hog.
Reid Barker shares a special moment with his cousin's steer following their big win.
Lane Slaton gets a high five from the judge as his lamb is selected as Grand Champion.
Hadley Hendrickson shows her Champion Simmental Steer in the grand drive.
The bromance between Market Hog Judges Mark Hoge and Andy Rash is real.
The Grand Champion Market Steer trophy is given in memory of Teegan Brumbaugh.
Judge Ryan Rathmann selects Harper Henney's Reserve Champion Crossbred Steer as Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer.
Congratulations to all the exhibitors tonight at the Indiana State Fair.
Isaiah Bridwell makes some last minute touch ups while Ross Howard gets a pep talk before going in for the grand drive.
Colton Prescott uses Sullivan's Black Touch Up on the fourth overall steer.
Dan Harker leads his sons champion Hereford steer to the ring this evening.