Shared from American Junior Maine-Anjou Association:
Time to sign up Tuesday! Please see below a few reminders when it comes to contests.
Public Speaking & Salesmanship –
A Sign Up Genius form has been sent to your e-mail to sign up for Public Speaking and Salesmanship time slots. Sign ups must be completed by May 28th. A zoom link will be sent to the e-mail you provide.
Sign up for Public Speaking:
Sign up for Salesmanship:…/8050f4aa5ac2dabf49…
Photography –
Entries for the photo contest are due June 1. Photos must be e-mailed to Include breeder number, name and age division when you send in your photo.
All Around Scholarship – Calling all seniors!
This scholarship is designated for Seniors attending the NJHS and is based on your participation in contests, association positions and shows. Exhibitors receive points for participation and the winners receive a scholarship. Champion All Around will receive $750 and Reserve Champion will receive $250. For a full description of the requirements click here:
Thank you to Alicia and Lane Rigdon for sponsoring this scholarship!