After more than a 25-year commitment to the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA), Executive Vice President John Boddicker will transition to retirement on December 1, 2015. In his AMAA tenure, he has fostered great leadership, encouraged progress and served the breed to the highest degree.
Boddicker is unmatched in his length of service and will pass the reins as the longest standing Maine-Anjou association leader in history. Additionally, he will retire with Maine-Anjou cattle registrations on the rise and overall strong financial standings of the breed.
“John’s passion to promote Maine-Anjou genetics while serving adult and junior members has been second to none,” said Cody Tebbenkamp, AMAA Executive Vice President Search Committee member. “While Maine-Anjou cattlemen and juniors will greatly miss John as he steps away from his role at AMAA, the vacancy must be filled.”
The Executive Vice President Search Committee will be accepting application until the position is filled, however highest priority will be given to applications submitted before February 4, 2015 to
The new hire will assume full duties of this role on December 1, 2015, yet the Search Committee prefers for Boddicker’s successor to begin July 1, 2015. Competitive salary and benefits package will be offered. Relocation to the Platte City, Missouri area is required.
The AMAA Executive Vice President is the chief executive officer of the association. Responsibilities include implementation of policy and programs as developed by the AMAA Board of Directors, committees and membership.
More information on the position and a position description can be found at or contact Cody Tebbenkamp at 660-641-2671 with your questions.
American Maine-Anjou Association
Executive Vice President – Job Description
The Executive Vice President is the chief executive officer of the Association and is directly responsible to the Board of Directors for all activities of the Association. The Executive Vice President has primary responsibility for the implementation of policy and programs as developed by the
American Maine-Anjou Association Board of Directors, committees, and membership.
The Executive Vice President is directly responsible to:
Manage Association Finances – encompassing budgets, quarterly and yearly reports, payroll, taxes, and special events.
Employ and coordinate staff.
Maintain the integrity of the Herdbook through blood typing, herd visits and other investigation.
Coordinate with elected leadership in all programs.
Develop membership through verbal and written communication and personal representation.
Assist in member education in the areas of performance programs, rules and bylaws and other matters.
The Executive Vice President also:
Coordinates the processing of ancestry pedigrees, registration and performance records.
Supervises the planning of the annual convention and all Board and committee meetings.
Facilitates the needs of breed shows at major livestock expositions.
Initiates new program areas for membership benefit and enhancement.
Promotes the breed and its programs through articles. Also oversees the issuance of press releases, advertisements, pamphlets and booklets.
Oversees management of the Voice magazine.