2023 AGJA Great Dakota Classic | Balancer Judge

Join us in welcoming Scott Bush to the 2023 AGJA Great Dakota Classic as the official Balancer Show judge. We are grateful to have Scott evaluate the following shows:
▪ Balancer Bred & Owned Bulls
▪ Balancer Bred & Owned Females
▪ Balancer Owned Females


Scott and his wife Jo, along with their children Brittany and Tyler, have been involved in the cattle industry and grew up showing Angus cattle at the state and national level. A 5th generation partner at Bush Angus running 175 mature cows and hosting an annual bull sale for nearly 50 years, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge to the industry. Additionally, as a judge at multiple state, regional an national level shows including the National Angus Show in Brazil, American Royal, Work Beef Expo and several breed junior nationals his experience and opinion are greatly valued.


The Balancer Show, sponsored by Trans Ova Genetics, will take place on Thursday, July 6, 2023, and can be viewed from home through Walton Webcasting for those unable to join us in Huron!



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