We have wrapped up the Junior Show, and Friday includes all things NJSA contests! Let’s have an excellent FriYAY! Show catalogs and show results are available at https://bit.ly/3bBaC71. Listed below is the information you need to stay updated on #NJSS2022 and #STC2022!
Event Information: nationalswine.com
Show Results: https://bit.ly/3bBaC71
Walton Webcasting: waltonwebcasting.com
Kennedy Ventures CCI.Live: https://www.cci.live/
Legacy Livestock Imaging: legacylivestockimaging.com
Sale Contact Information
Mick Bellamy: 765-427-7741
Clay Parrish: 765-421-1155
NSR Facebook: National Swine Registry
NJSA Facebook: National Junior Swine Association (NJSA)
Twitter: @NationalSwine
Instagram: nsr_njsa or National Swine Registry
Snapchat: nsr_njsa or National Swine Registry