2021 Show Steer Junior National Updates

From the Battle of the Cattle Team:
We cannot wait to share our hospitality with junior steer exhibitors from across the country this summer at the First Ever… SHOW STEER JUNIOR NATIONALS. Brought to you by your friends at Battle of the Cattle & the creators of The Patriot, we can assure you this event will be jam-packed with contests (livestock judging, career leaders, photography, showmanship & more) educational sessions and a steer show with payouts & awards that will knock your boots off! Put July 21-25th on your summer schedule & plan to come show with us in Abilene, Texas! Online entries will open soon! For show details & contest info, check out: www.battleofthecattle.com


At a Glance:
-Open to junior steer exhibitors from any state (ages up to 21)
-No minimum or maximum weight for steers; prospect steer show
-Outstanding facilities! Air-Conditioned show ring.



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