2018 National Western Stock Show | Breeders Spotlight – Lawrence Family Limousin

Lawrence Family Limousin got their start in the Limousin Industry in 1988 with their purchase of a heifer calf that went on to win scramble certificates at both Fort Worth and Houston livestock shows, and have been a dominant force in the industry ever since. Lawrence Family Limousin is located in Anton, Texas. They raise 125 registered Limousin cattle. Along with the Limousin herd they also have about 150 commercial cows that they use as recipients for embryo transfer. On the side, Bruce also partners to raise 250 head of stockyard cattle.

Bruce and Paula Lawrence are behind the success of Lawrence Family Limousin. Bruce was raised on a commercial cow/calf operation. It was through his kids involvement with the Texas Junior Limousin Association, that he decided to introduce limousin genetics into his cattle operation. Bruce and Paula’s three children, Amber, Lee Roy, and Paul were very actively involved with the TJLA as kids. Both served as president on the TJLA board, respectively. Amber also served as a member of the NALJA Board of Directors and also served as president. Bruce has been nominated to the 2018 NALF Board of Directors, the election will be held on January 8, 2018 in conjunction with the National Western.

Amber is now married to Johnny Parkinson and they have two kids, Colt and Tucker, who are both actively involved in the TJLA. Johnny serves as a firefighter and helps with his family’s cattle operation, while also taking time to help his in-laws. Amber returned to the family farm after serving 15 years as a 4-H Extension Agent and is now in charge of taking care the show barn and cow herd. Bruce and Paula’s other son, Lee Roy, also helps with the family operation.

The Lawrence family has been exhibiting at the National Western Stock Show since 1995. In that time that have achieved Grand Champion Limousin in 2004. This year is their 2nd year exhibiting in the yards, last year they exhibited the Reserve Champion Pen of Lim-Flex Bulls. Also in 2017, the Lawrence family was also named Premier Breeder at the NWSS. They are exhibiting on the Hill and in the yards this year.

Bruce and Paula are very appreciative of the Limousin breed and the community that it brings. They hope to help members of the bred continue to grow and help strengthen the breed’s imagine within the U.S. beef industry.

They will be offering 10 lots in the 2018 Cowtown Classic Limousin Sale in Fort Worth, Texas on January 26th.


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