Kennedy Early
Early resides in Leeton, Missouri, on her family’s fifth-generation farm. She is currently a Senior at Leeton R-X High School and after graduation will attend Kansas State University majoring in Animal Nutrition with a minor in ruminants. Early has been an active member of the Missouri Junior Simmental Association for nine years and has held numerous offices. She recalls admiring the AJSA Trustees while showing as a novice and gives credit to the AJSA Trustees who taught her many valuable lessons. If elected, her goal is to continue the advancement of the AJSA. She also plans to improve social media output in an effort to keep all members up-to-date as well as encouraging more members to attend leadership conferences, i.e. the IGS Youth Leadership Summit Conference. Early credits much of her success to participating in contests like sales talk and public speaking, which have taught her many valuable life lessons. As a Trustee, she will work to maintain participation in contests and continue to encourage members to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Association.
All AJSA members will vote for two trustees from their region at the AJSA Annual Meeting.