12 Thoughts of Stock Show Moms

With Mother’s Day approaching Sunday we wanted to do a special post for all the show moms out there! Stock show moms may not always get the credit they deserve, but from health papers, stocked coolers, starched jeans, & everything in between show kids know they can depend on mom to have the answers and keep their needs wants satisfied.

So here’s a list we have compiled of thoughts show moms can relate to!


1. DO NOT put that in your mouth!
We all know kids will pick up dropped food just about anywhere, but when it comes to a cattle barn the 5 second rule doesn’t always cut it

2. Would I be able to get this tail adhesive out of my kids hair?
As show mom, not only does it fall under your job requirements to help make the cows hair look its best, but the kids hair is your responsibility as well. When 4am comes too early and your last resort of combating bed head are cattle products, you’re willing to try whatever it takes.


3. Vacation? What’s that
There’s no such thing as Mai Tai’s and tanlines for show moms. Show mom knows that “vacationing” means Junior Nationals, spring break in a show barn, and many hours spent keeping the roads hot hauling livestock.


4. What do you mean we’re out of bread?
Show moms may never forget the feed store on the way home or to make sure waters are full, but some times the grocery store ends up pushed to the back burner when livestock takes over


5. I wish my kids could read my mind!
At every show it never fails frantic show moms try to get their kids attention while they are in the ring to tell them to “GET OUT OF THAT HOLE!” as incognito as possible


6. Here comes the laundry!
The struggle that is known by stock show moms of all over. Laundry is a never ending battle in a normal house hold, but when it comes to a stock show family you can go ahead and prepare for the dirtiest of barn clothes


7. Oh sure I’ll pick up your calves poop
Sometimes it feels as if your aisle in the barn must be the only available aisle for kids and calves to walk down, what other excuse could there be for excessive amount of foot & hoove traffic? It also more often than not seems that the calves have been waiting to relieve themselves until they find the prime location directly in front of your show box.

8. You’re right hunny
Stock show moms know the too familiar feeling when dad steps in. Kids and everyday barn duty may be her job at home, but when the show rolls around dad always knows best.


9. What am I, made of money?
Show kids are notorious for forgetting the show day essentials. Belts, boots, show shirts, and more have a tendency to find their way out of a freshly packed bag, or get skipped in the packing process all together. Show moms know this happens and are either armed with a back up set of boots, or find themselves running over to the exhibits for a new button down.


10. My kids will have these friendships forever!
Kids make lifelong friends at stock shows. Young years spent anxiously anticipating long awaited play time with traveling friends turn into best friends for life. Show moms know bonds made in a barn are sure to stand the test of time!


11. Do you want me to have a heart attack?
Every stock show mom has turned around to the sight of their children casually crawling under, over, and all around their cattle like a jungle gym.

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12. That’s my baby!
The hours put in at the barn, the early mornings, late evenings, and all that comes with being a show mom are even more worth it when the judge selects his grand champion calf shown by your child!


What are some other common relatable thoughts you’ve had as a stock show mom? Be sure to share in the comments!


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