The Patriot Junior Market Steer Show Updates

Here are a few show reminders as you prepare for The Patriot Junior Market Steer Show.


TACK ONLY DAY (Tues 2/2)- an optional day to send in a tack trailer. If you’re setting up stalls for multiple exhibitors, please have their names & FFA/4-H county information as you sign in for their stalls.


CATTLE & REMAINING TACK will move in on Wednesday (2/3). There will be a “Cattle Only” line for those who have already set up stalls.


PICK UP PACKETS in the Livestock Office in Steer Barn 1


TIE OUTS – Purchase Tie Outs ($10) in the Livestock Office in Steer Barn 1; ONE per Exhibitor; 1st Come, 1st Served (over 750 available)


PASSES- gate & parking passes will not be required


STALL REMINDERS No Fans, No Trim Chutes, No Generators, Single Blowers are Highly Encouraged; Stalls are pre-bedded


SHOW REMINDERS Blow & Show, No Adhesives or Paints, No Weigh Backs


EAR TAGS Validation Ear Tags ONLY (only exception: official county tag for an upcoming show)


CLASSIFICATION REMIDERS An EXHIBITOR must lead steers through classification. Any cattle classed out of their breed will automatically go to the Crossbred division.


FLOOR CATTLE If you’d like to floor your steer after it’s shown, take the BLUE cards to the FLOOR PENS located at the pipe pens in Steer Barn 2. Cattle must be a minimum of 1000 lbs. Check in with attendant. (Floor prices will be available the week of the show)


PREMIUM SALE – numbers in each class that will be eligible for the sale will be made available the week of the show.


TRAILER & TACK RELEASES- releases will not be required; non-sale cattle will be able to leave after they show.


PARKING – All vehicles MUST park in the Public Parking Lots. NO parking around the steer barns or in open RV spots.


WATCH THE SHOW Friends and family watching from home can tune into Livestock Live on Facebook


ADDITIONAL BEDDING, HAY, STRAW can be purchased at the Expo Store in The Guitar Arena – Steer Barn 2



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