Our May Hereford Highlight is Trevor Johnson, of Centerville, S.D. It’s also his birthday today, so leave him a shout out!
Trevor has been an active member of the NJHA, participating in programs like the Fed Steer Shootout, Faces of Leadership and BOLD. A student at Butler Community College, he will be transferring to Kansas State University upon graduation. He “plans to continue building on the skills established through the Fed Steer Shootout, Faces of Leadership, the BOLD Conference and the Fed Cattle Challenge, and utilize the connections that he made across the country to one day build a cattle feeding operation that is on the cutting edge of quality, technology and innovation.” He says that his biggest goal in life is to be the youngest person inducted into the Cattle Feeder Hall of Fame. We wish you all the luck in pursuing this goal Trevor, and congratulations!
If you know someone who should be nominated for next month’s Hereford Highlight, fill out the form here, https://americanherefordassociation.formstack.com/…/her…