The Autumn Classic (Placerville, CA) | Heifer Results

Supreme Champion Heifer
Champion Chi/Chi X Heifer
Name: Kanes Jenny ET
Sire: Paradox
Dam: Ali Heatwave
Bred and Sold by Rodgers Livestock
Congratulations to Brinlee Stevens


Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer
Champion Angus Heifer
Name: WBL Midnight Sun 913
Sire: WBC Thunderstruck
Dam: ZCCWitch by Northern Light
Bred and Sold by Will Ward
Congratulations to Will Ward


Third Overall Heifer
Champion Maine – Anjou / Maintainer Heifer
Name: 11 Bar Halle 080H ET
Sire: Maternal Made
Dam: Smokin Bob
Bred and Sold By: 11 Bar and Fair Cattle
Congratulations to Abi Dirkse

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