Raise your hand if you love Stock Show University.
Professor Colby Lind explaining the advantages of using Sullivan’s Roto Brush.
Professor Will Coor chatting with the group about daily hair care.
Professors Will Coor and Brittany Creamer having a little fun with the t-shirt cannon.
Houston Ferree in the livestock loot machine.
Cally Hansen grabbing the livestock loot!
Congratulations to Kahoot game winners Houston Ferree, Silas Koenig and Cally Hansen.
Professor Colby Lind was quite popular with all the giveaways.
Professor Brittany Creamer chatting with the crowd.
Grace Klinkhamer and Jordyn Wickard enjoying the Stock Show University clinic.
A big congratualations to the lucky winners of the big giveaway at the Angus Junior Nationals. Paisley Carter, Hunter Miller and Averie Calkins. Pictured with professor Will Coor, Colby Lind and Brittany Creamer.