Professor Garrett Cloud assists Carley Middleton in clipping
Professor Wes Horn demonstrates fitting
Professor Wes Horn assists Chloe Fontenot with clipping
Chris McKee demonstrates clipping during hands on time
Dan Sullivan and Jeff Sargent hang out with SSU attendees
Professor Garrett Cloud demonstrates to Anna Claire Middleton during hands on
Professor Hoyt McInvale demonstrates clipping
Professor Clint Barney during the drying demo
Professor Reid McGuire demonstrates fogger use
Professor Clint Barney assists Megan Miffey in clipping hands on
Master Professor, Jeff Sargent talks during clipping demo
Professor Jon Mallard gives hands on clipping advice
Purina rep Lance Beard steps in
Jeff Sargent jokes about teenage girls in low waist jeans
Wes Horn giving a clipping demonstration during hands on