Kashen Ellerbrock takes home the Supreme Banners for both ring tonight. Congratulations, Kashen!
Jason Statton – every detail counts.
Lucas Johnson gets down to the last detail on this tailhead.
Justin Olson changing the game today.
Congratulations to Nalaney Guyer on your Reserve Supreme Steer in both rings tonight!
Wes Keller, killing a topline.
Dash Simpsen gets his steer stuck in his Hereford class.
Jessie Ahrens works on balling a tail this afternoon.
Caden Curoe clips on Kinnick Paulsen’s Champion Hereford Steer.
Paige Van Dyke blows out her heifer this morning.
Cal DeWitt uses some Sullivan’s Black Finisher on a front leg.
Wade Knobloch smokes in a back leg.
Judge, Jon DeClerck gives his final remarks in tonight’s drive.