Star Sunday | NAILE

Congratulations to Sara Sullivan on your Supreme Champion Junior Heifer!


Team Cardinal gets the Champion ChiAngus Heifer ready.


Danny Harker, Game Changing simmentals one at a time.


Jax Meyer is a young cattlemen in the making!

Congratulations to Rhylee Rodgers on your Grand Champion Market Steer!


Whitney Walker leads her Champion AOB Heifer into the Supreme Drive.


Boys will be boys.


Keegan Murphy’s Reserve Market Steer gets some final prep before the Grand Drive.


Andrew Foster dials in a topline.


Steer Judge, Jarold Callahan looks at his final drive line-up


Jon Davis, we thought you were an Angus guy?


Supreme Heifer Judge, Ernie Wallace eyes the Champion Limousin Heifer of McKenna Richardson’s.


THE Brandon Jones dials in a heifer.

The pulse archive