On the Corner of Easton and Main | National Junior Angus Show

Relaxing day at the stalls for Jacob Wickard, Delaney Waterman, and Raleigh Doerstler


“The power of one, and the power of you.” Showmanship Judge, Cheramie Viator


Danny Zehr takes the dairy approach today to clip toplines.


Kinsey Crowe gets her heifer stuck in today’s showmanship prelims this morning


The 54th Annual National Junior Angus Showmanship Contest kicked off today with the preliminary round.


Junior Board Director, Kelsey Vejraska helps with the quiz bowl contest this afternoon.


Maddie Fugate gives her sales pitch today in the sales talk contest.


Slightly cooler temperatures today allowed for some fun in the sun.


Keep your eye on the prize.


Lexi Stevenson congratulations to Josh Jasper on making the finals of the Showmanship Contest.


Is that Corbin Cowles or Jimmy Buffet? We aren’t quite sure…


It is all smiles for Andrea Smith as she blows out her heifer this afternoon.


Exhibitors took part in many contests today including the Quiz Bowl written test.


Congratulations to all of the exhibitors that qualified for this year’s showmanship contest.

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