North American Junior Red Angus Event | On Wednesdays, We Wear Blue

Luke Prill and Wyatt Durst know that on Monkey Mania Wednesday, we wear blue!

Clint Harrington attempts to sell his heifer to the judge during the Sales Talk contest.

Jase Beltz also participated in the Sales Talk competition! He was attempting to sell the judge semen from Fleming Red Angus.

Reba Prather and Darla were thrilled to have won a prize from the Scratch & Win game this morning!

Allyn Goodson, Coy Sand and Kennedy Vanzant were a few of our other winners that walked away with a Smart Scrub, a Smart Comb and $30 off a Turbo Fan!

Jensen Vanidk and Truett Tolar take a break from all the madness to pitch a few washers at The Pulse booth.

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