MHJNA Jr National | Amarillo By Morning

Sullivan’s products were the go-to today.

Addysyn Janysek and Blakely Murphy watching on during the fitting contest.

Bennett Berend combing his calf.


West Texas A&M Livestock judging coach, Michael Semler gives the livestock judging contestants a few lessons before the contest. 

Jalea Duty tells her calf a secret.

There are many uses for Sullivan’s fitting mats! Just ask Stetson Kidd.

Juniors taking notes while waiting their turn watching the Senior fitting contest.

Zach Classen clips a heifer.

Proud winners hang their banners in the stalls.

Makayla Luckie got the lucky task of breaking down her calf after the fitting contest!

Sullivan’s Sales Rep. Leonard Wagner helping out customers this afternoon.

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