King of the Hill | National Western

Congratulations to Kutter Bland on being selected as your 2019 National Western Grand Champion Junior Market Steer!

Kassidy Bremer was selected as your Reserve Grand Champion Junior Market Steer tonight. Congratulations, Kassidy!

Avery Shalla balls the tail of her Class 9 steer.

Thank you to the Benzer Family for trusting in Sullivan Supply!

The Rodgers Cattle Company Crew getting ready for the Grand Drive. Thank you for using Sullivan Supply’s line of products on your class winners!

Seth Tucker puts some final touches on his Class 11 winner.

Sullivan Supply, trusted by the 2019 Grand Champion Junior Market Steer of the National Western Stock Show.

It’s a family affair for the Breeding Family.

Rand Martin dials in the back leg of Mattie’s Class 2 winner.

Brandon Horn getting it done on this back leg.

Thank you to the Bremer Family for trusting in Sullivan Supply on your 2019 Reserve Junior Market Steer!

Lane Underwood and crew get his steer ready.

Thank you to the Horn Family for trusting in Sullivan Supply products!

Kaid Reiniger and crew putting final touches on his Class 10 winner.

Dalton Shank’s Class 5 winner getting ready for the Grand Drive.

Even as a Grand Champion you’ll always have time for your mothers love. Congratulations to the Bland Family!