JNHE Helpful Hints Take 5

General Rules Cont.:
16) No farm signs or videos may be displayed at the stalls. Family signs may be displayed if junior exhibitor(s) names are included.
17) There will be five showmanship divisions: pre-peewee, peewee, junior, intermediate and senior. All contestants must pre-enter by June 1. There will be no entries accepted at the show. The entry fee is $5.
18) Calves at the side of cow-calf pairs may show in separate heifer or bull shows, however, additional entry fees will apply. If the calf is not showing separately an additional $60 bedding fee applies.
19) Breeding cattle will not be weighed or measured.
20) Spring 2017 EPDs will be used. EPDs for breeding cattle will be provided to the judge for him/her to use at their discretion. Junior members will only have EPDs if they are compliant with Whole Herd TPR or purchased an animal from a Whole Herd TPR breeder. If you feel that you are not compliant with Whole Herd TPR, please call the AHA records department immediately.
21) Steers will be weighed and ultrasounded at processing. This data will be used when breaking classes and will be provided to the judge.
22) Steers will be exhibited by weight.
23) A carcass evaluation competition will be held in conjunction with the steer show, with carcass information gathered on live steers through ultrasound.
24) Horned and polled owned heifers will be shown separately, alternating at the divisions. Horned and polled bred-and-owned heifers will show together in one show, with one grand champion bred-and-owned heifer. Bred-and-owned heifers may also enter the owned show, but must indicate this on the entry form and must pay an additional entry fee.
25) Due to Kentucky Exposition Center regulations and safety of exhibitors NO DOGS will be allowed on the grounds, in the tie outs, in the barns or in the coliseum.
26) Any animal a junior enters may be used in the team-fitting competition and/or be asked to be used in the judging contest.
27) When entering contests be sure to use your age as of January 1 of the current year.
28) At the JNHE, the exhibitor of any animal that wins competition shall, promptly after the announcement that such animal has won such competition, permit the Association to secure a DNA sample from such animal. Please see Rule 4 of Section VII of the Association rules and regulations for how DNA testing is handled.
29) It is a policy of the NJHA board of directors that if an animal gets loose in the showring, an exhibitor will be given two chances to regain control of said animal throughout the duration of that particular show. After the third instance exhibitor and animal will be dismissed from the showring by an NJHA board member or AHA staff member.
30) Only Junior National Hereford Expo exhibitors are allowed to show animals in the show ring. This includes ALL special classes.

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