Sunday Fun Day at the Fort Worth Stock Show!

Jaden Linthicum is nothing but smiles as Judge Blake Bloomberg selects his heifer for Reserve Champion Red Angus Female

Ellee Parker and Gravity stealing hearts all over barn 2

David Smith takes the Reserve Shorthorn Female hand shake

Cody Sankey, noted Kansas City Cheifs fan and Shorthorn enthusiast, showing a Shorthorn Heifer in the show today!

Mike Goodman keeps his clippers ready with a little help from his hocus pocus friend

Mark Kelley stays cool, calm, and collected while clipping this bull

Showing focus and Heather Brown go hand in hand

Jerrod Elliott braces himself to clip the tailhead of his dreams

This back leg is no match for Blaze Bierschwale

Nicole Horn flashes a soft smile in the show ring

The pulse archive