Crowning Champions | American Royal

Baylor Bonham and Travis Otterstad share an emotional hug as Baylor closes out his last Royal on top.

Blaine Rodgers works on his daughter’s steer.

American Royal Market Steer Show Champion Baylor Bonham and Emma Sinclair rocking the new Sullivan’s Flare Hoodie.

Brigham Stewart, Snapchat star uses Sullivan’s Fawn this afternoon.

The Gorestka crew gets their string of steers ready. Thank you for trusting the line of Sullivan products.

Rare sighting, Dave Guyer on a backleg.

Herschell LeClair uses Sullivan’s White Powderful to dress a leg.

Mark Henney works on blending the shoulder on his daughter’s calf.

All hands on deck!

Baylor Bonham freshens up his champion steer with Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive before final drive.

Eric Shellhouse flares it up!

Kylar Lee knows you can’t fit a leg without Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive and White Powderful.

The pulse archive