BIDDING CLOSES TONIGHT | Schaeffer Tice “All I Want For Christmas” Online Genetic Sale.

Schaeffer Tice “All I Want For Christmas Sale” closes tonight at 8pm eastern with extended bidding to follow.

41 lots of the most proven, elite, and profitable genetic lots featuring all sexed heifer egg, sexed heifer pregnancies, as well as a few select flush lots.

We want to thank every customer past and present and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Please call or text with any questions we may help you with.

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Lot X
Beautiful A317 x Primo sexed heifer eggs.
Full sibs to the Indiana state fair supreme, Denver champ and much more “Lola”

Lot 3
Daddy’s Girl sexed heifer eggs choice of Style , 24 Karat or Epic our of the national champion high Maine Female

Lot 5
HPF Ms Honey sexed heifer eggs by Primo.
Full sib eggs to the national champion sim-angus female

Lot 10
kNRF Barbie sexed heifer eggs by Broker, Qauntum Leap or Can’t Touch

Lot 20
Who’s playing 6973D (Who Da Man x 6640) selling sexed heifer eggs by Primo.
Full sib to high selling chi female in fall sale for 45000

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