Arizona Nationals | 2022 Team Goat Fitting Contest UPDATES

Arizona National Livestock Show Goat Exhibitors that are wanting to participate in the 2022 Sullivan Supply Team Fitting Contest – Here are some updates on today’s contest. PLEASE READ!

We are changing the location of the contest! The contest will now be taking place in the Mercantile Building (green building, next to the Sullivan Supply trailer) as the sheep show will be going past 7:00pm. This is where the contest was held last year. NOTE: There is limited power, so bring your goats already blown out before you head over to the contest. Show staff also recommends bring extension cords as well. 

Contest starts at RIGHT at 7:00pm. Please be making your way over to the building with your materials around 6:30pm and sign up with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag. 

If you have any questions, contact Arizona National Livestock Show Staff or Tess Mittag at [email protected].

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