Schaeffer/Tice be my valentine sale tonight!

Bidding is now Open

Schaeffer Tice


online genetic sale

Lot 9 Larissa Who.  ( Who Da Man x Charmed 50C). Sexed heifer eggs sell by Crossover, Revelation, Primo, or Encore

Lot 6. Smokin Monte 7311 embryos sell by Outlier.  Full sibs to your supreme female Naile 2024

Lot 27. Lady In Black (SAM x Rosie 677D). Sexed heifer eggs sell by Copacetic , Revelation or Encore

Annie Lu 230K.  Sexed heifer eggs

Lot X. IVF Cycle on Larissa 49G

Lot XX Angus sired eggs on 49G

Lot XXX. Simmental sired eggs on 49G

Lot XXXX Maine, Crossover or Who Da Man Sired Eggs on 49G

Will Stock Show University® see you in Texas?

Texas — Are you ready for a great learning opportunity? Join Stock Show University® for this TWO-day, fun-filled, FREE event where students and their family will walk away motivated and prepared for success in the show ring! This program, hosted by Stock Show University®, with covering the topics of: daily care, clipping, fitting, proper breakdown, and showmanship. This event is designed where participants can bring their animals and work one-on-one with the industry’s best and most talented “Professors”. Along with Sullivan Supply®, Andis, and Purina are proud sponsors of Stock Show University® events!


2025 Texas 2-Day Cattle Grad Program®
Free compliments from Sullivan Supply
Date: March 29-30, 2025
Location: Kaufman County Fairgrounds; 4001 S Washington St., Kaufman, TX 75142
To register, Click Here


For more information, contact Aaron Boyce, at [email protected].

Gibson Co. Preview Steer Show Results, Princeton, IN

Champion Overall Steer
Congratulations to Piper Unger

Reserve Overall Steer
Congratulations to Jackson Stevens

3rd Overall Steer
Congratulations to Emma Wagler

4th Overall Steer
Congratulations to Pryor Unger

5th Overall Steer
Congratulations to Lane Asher

Gibson Co. Preview Heifer Show Results, Princeton, IN

Champion Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Bristol Demaree

Reserve Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Benson Matlock

3rd Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Eli Walther

4th Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Jacob Stofer

5th Overall Heifer
Congratulations to Charlie Armstrong

Thank you, Mallory!

Sullivan Supply would like to say thank you to Mallory Blunier on her commitment and dedication to the Limousin breed and youth. Her efforts never went unnoticed and for that we salute you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

“NALF & NALJA wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mallory Blunier for her invaluable contributions as she departs to spend more time with her family and pursue contractual opportunities.
Our Limousin Association and NALF staff thank and appreciate the past 8 years of service from Mallory Blunier, who has been the head of the Marketing & Communications department at NALF while also serving as the Director of Activities for the Limousin junior association, NALJA. Mallory has done a tremendous job with heading up these duties for both associations and will be greatly missed as she looks to spend more time with her own children and pursue independent contracting opportunities. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors and thank her for the lasting impact she has made.
Mallory has been retained by NALF on a contractual basis to head up the Communications and Marketing efforts for the breed moving forward.
As NALF looks to hire and fill the Director of Activities position at NALF and NALJA, Tammy Anderson will assume and assist with the position until a new Activities Director is appointed and trained.
If you have an interest in applying for the Activities Director position, please fill out the application form here:”

Sullivan's Focus - For Stress Prone Animals


Keep your animal calm and focused without the risk of becoming groggy. The blend of natural ingredients in Focus are completely safe for all animals. Provides a calming effect and takes the “edge” off unruly animals during stressful times such as shows.

Hara Farms Embryo & Semen ScOnline sale today

Hairietta and Annie Lu sexed female embryos by Memphis Mafia, Next Level, Mayfield, Epic and Gronc. Memphis Mafia semen

Memphis Mafia x Hairietta daughter

Hairietta daughter owned by Skiles

Hairietta daughter owned by Udell